A cemetery is a unique place. While it is part of the everyday scene, it is not part of everyday life. That is to say, it is a place where tranquility and quiet are the desired norm, and activities of everyday life should be suspended.
Avoid playing loud music in your car with the windows down, as it can be heard by everyone nearby.
Running, shouting, or engaging in rough play on the ground is discouraged here. This setting is not intended for childhood games. Please ensure that children do not play on any of the monuments. While it is beneficial to acquaint children with the concept of paying respects in a cemetery, they may not fully comprehend the significance of everything within this sacred space.
Common sense dictates that you should be aware of the general shape of a grave. Walk between the headstones and refrain from standing on top of a burial site.
Near the entrance, you'll often find a sign displaying operating hours and guidelines regarding decorations, among other things. It's important to adhere to these rules. These decoration rules are in place to prevent excessive debris accumulation, which the cemetery caretakers would have to remove. Keep in mind that items like flowers and other objects can easily be carried away by the wind. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone comes across any litter on the path, regardless of its source, could kindly pick it up.
Most cemeteries are open from dawn to dusk.
This places additional responsibilities on the caretakers and demonstrates a lack of consideration for other grieving families. A good principle to follow is "pack your trash": either carry your waste with you when you leave or dispose of it in designated trash bins.
When you bring your pets, be sure to clean up after them.
Drive at a reduced speed and adhere to any traffic signs placed within the cemetery. Exercise caution to avoid pedestrians, as they may be emotionally distressed and not fully aware of their surroundings.
Please maintain a low volume when speaking and refrain from using offensive language.
Other visitors may want to be alone.
These memorials hold deep significance for the families who placed them. It's important to note that some older monuments may be in a state of disrepair and could crumble with even the slightest touch.
This is a very private time for people. It's best to steer clear of any funerals occurring, and don't get in the way of funeral processions.